Got a good one today.
Dear Webmaster,
We found your web site, from the internet and liked it very much! We hope you’ll consider exchanging links with our site, Octopus Links.
Our web site provides cutting edge Automated Link Exchange Services.
Lifetime membership to our services is currently FREE!
Please DOWNLOAD the attached web file to visit our site….When you exchange links using our system, you can also exchange links with ALL our members. No more begging for links!
Have a nice day!
Jay, the OctopusP/S: link exchange the fast and easy to to boost your web site search engine ranking and get an avalanche of free web traffic!!
There was no attachment for me to download to “visit their site” (i.e. get infected with a nasty virus). Fairless clueless even by spammer standards.
I decided to visit the domain used in the e-mail address, expecting to see either a link farm or something totally innocent and unrelated to the spam. Instead I saw a one page site with broken links and this:

Drat, I knew that one night stand with the Octopus would come back to haunt me. I would have got away with it too, if it wasn’t for you meddling kids!