Yesterday was the SELWG wargames show at Crystal Palace. I went along for a few hours to look around and buy stuff; overall I think it was an improvement in last year’s show which I wasn’t very impressed by. Some people thought it was rather good whilst others found it not so good.

I bought Rebel Storm boosters – the first boosters I’ve bought (though I have been buying large numbers of canon fodder types on eBay). Got the very rare Princess Leia, Captive figure in one of them which was lucky. Various traders were selling boosters for prices between £8.00 and £12.99 – I got mine at the lower price because I remembered that it always pays to walk round every stand at a show before opening your wallet.

The only thing I bought were some MoFo minis from Gripping Beast – five packs of UK Falklands War troops to add to my UNIT force and a pack of SF characters based on Stargate SG1. The MoFo miniatures are little bit smaller the Harlequin UNIT troops but once based and painted up the same should fit in just fine.

There were some good games on show, the most striking being Diamond Geezers – a game based on old telly shows played over a very good recreation of a 1970s street scene.

SELWG is the last show of the year for me, there’s nothing now until Salute in April. You never know I may actually get round to doing some painting before then.


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