Amazon Miniatures have joined my favourite bandwagon and started a range of Prehistoric Animals.

Three items are out now with at least five more coming soon.
- ANP01 Raptor (2) 3.25
- ANP02 Diatryma Giganticus (2) £3.00
- ANP03 Raptor and dinosaur eggs £2.50
- ANP04 Yangchanosaurus £7.50
- ANP05 Feathered Raptor (2) £3.25
- ANP06 Leaping Smilodon (Sabre tooth lion) £2.25
- ANP07 Short-faced bear standing £2.25
- ANP21 Neanderthal Warrior with bone club and spear
The plain raptors look like they would fit in well with the Jeff Valent or Ral Partha/Iron Wind Metals versions, and it’s very good to see someone tackling feathered raptors in this scale at last.
Amazon, being the kind of people who “think outside the box” (sorry, really, really sorry) are also stocking bags of plastic toy dinos for wargamers too embarrassed to step foot inside Early Learning Centres.
Anyway, I know where one of my first stops at this year’s Salute will be.