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… and ready for deployment in 45 seconds no less! Was that just a little bit of politics? Oh yes.

Last week I said:

Doctor Who grows up and enters its second childhood all at once.

Which is probably a fairly good reaction to the current state of British politics.

So this week we learnt how to hack into the Royal Navy from a flat on a South London council estate and launch a missile to blow up Number 10 (but it’s okay ‘cos only nasty aliens who want to nuke the planet and sell bits of it as scrap get killed) – This is proper Doctor Who: totally barking mad in a very British way. Love it.

And the stuff about vinegar and Hannibal was a nice reminder that way back in the mists of time DW had been envisioned as an educational programme.

The plot had holes you could drive a starship through but I just don’t care. And next week we get a Dalek. 😀


Doctor Who grows up and enters its second childhood all at once.

For the first time we see the emotional impact of a companion returning home after some time spent away with the Doctor. And in the same episode we get a bunch of fart gags.

But there’s nothing wrong with fart gags, so I have to say that I loved this episode.

It was the closest so far to traditional Doctor Who – a cliffhanger, an alien running around a hospital, something creepy going on in the corridors of power. And it reintroduces UNIT in a way that will, fingers crossed, please old fans whilst not overwhelming new ones. Likewise the concept of regeneration was subtly alluded to for the first time (handy that, considering).

My one gripe is with the visual aspects of the aliens – dodgy CGI as they emerged from their “suits” and then dodgy rubber costumes. But the Big Ben crash was excellently put together, and the pig alien was so cute.


Ah, and David Tennant? I think he’ll be good. I’m not worried about him being “too young” (some people are feeling old ‘cos he’s the first Doctor to be younger than them, but I’m safe until next time at least 😉 and he’s five years older than Peter Davison was when he took over) and on the evidence of Casanova and Quatermass he can act well enough.

Doctor Who and Gothic Victoriana have always suited each other and with Mark “League of Gentleman” Gatiss penning this episode we had high hopes. They weren’t misplaced.

This episode felt less rushed than the previous two, maybe Gatiss coming from a comedy sketch writing background rather than a mini-series background like Davies is more comfortable the time limits, or maybe there was simpler fewer concepts and characters to introduce this time around.

Simon Callow was superb as Dickens, as one would expect. I was pleasantly surprised at how little of Callow himself came through in the performance. Ecclestone and Piper continue to delight – so different to what’s been done in the past but still without any of doubt Doctor and companion.

But how post-coital was the scene where the Doctor and Rose, laughing, picked themselves up off the floor as the TARDIS made a bumpy landing? Hmmm.

I was surprised that the Gelth’s plight was tied to the Time War. Will there be any episodes not tied to the arc? Would the Doctor have been less quick to trust them if they hadn’t been refugees from “his” war?

The scene with Dickens and the Doctor in the coach, a not at all subtle dig at the relationship between creators and fans? Oh yes. 🙂

Not quite as “fantastic” as is humanly imaginable but very, very close. 8/10

… the people who are pointing out that Britney’s “Toxic” wasn’t released on 7″ vinyl?

Like, it could never be rereleased in said format at some point in the next five billion years?

Anyway, a rather mixed episode (oh by the way I’m talking about “The End of the World”, episode two of the new Doctor Who series). Ecclestone’s Doctor is fascinating – with what we learn in this episode it’s easy to see his inappropriate flippancy and rudeness (not to mention his becoming what could be seen as a cold blooded vigilante murderer) as symptoms of post-traumatic shock. But I have a feeling that such an analysis will turn out to be overly simplistic.

The aliens were a very mixed bunch. Cassandra, the trees and the Moxx of Balhoun were excellent but the background aliens, and they looked like background aliens, were shown a little too prominently. Was I the only one who had a flashback to Dune when the Face of Boe was wheeled in? Oh, and am I right in thinking that every character with a speaking part got killed off? Good to see that the high body counts of the old series are being continued.

7/10 (9/10 for effects and acting but only 5/10 for plot)

Okay, we’ve all seen it now, so how was it for you?

Let’s start with a few negatives.

This was not aimed at people who wanted Doctor Who to be the same as in 1975 (or 1965 or 1985). This was not aimed only at hard core SF fans. This was not aimed only at kids.

This was aimed at a 2005 family audience – think Harry Potter meets Buffy meets Lord of the Rings meets Casualty.

And every posting I’ve read that speaks about showing the episode to children or spouses says how much they loved it.

The only bad mouthing has come from a small subset of old-skool Doctor Who “fans” who seemingly hate any innovation. Well, here’s the news for those people – a show made for you would have a fraction of the budget, would have nowhere near the amount of talent and would be shown at some God forsaken time on a digital channel. So screw you.

A few more negatives

How could the BBC manage to get bits of sound from whatever Graham Norton was doing transmitted over the top?

The CGI was a bit ropey in places, though it must be said that a certain plastic quality (a traditional problem with CGI) is appropriate for the Autons.

The sound mix was much better on transmission than on the leaked copy and I never had the issues with it that some people did. So let’s move onto…

The positive things

The plot might be wafer thin but that’s partly on purpose. This story is told from Rose’s point of view. The Doctor is some mad man who blunders into life and starts babbling about aliens and intelligent plastic and stuff. For most of the audience this will be the first time they’ve ever seen Doctor Who so having a real person react to the Doctor in a real way is a great introduction.

“That won’t last. He’s gay and she’s an alien”
— The Doctor flipping through celeb gossip magazine.

The madness that enters Rose’s life plus the fact that they have to introduce the Doctor, the TARDIS, Rose, and some of the basic concepts of the series all in 44 minutes goes some way to explaining the very frantic pacing. You are out of breath by the end – but that’s a good thing. Were you gasping for breath and gasping to see the next episode? I was.

With fewer introductions, and some two parters, the other twelve episodes should be a bit less packed. But, again, this is Doctor Who for 2005 not 1975.

“I am talking!”
— The Doctor drops all the flippancy and lets the aliens know who’s in charge.

Christopher Ecclestone is brilliant. Manic, intense, flippant, goofy, angry – all in the space of a few minutes. He’s a great actor and will be worth watching every week, so long as he keeps on getting great lines. I loved his “I can feel it moving” speech.

He was very unexpected casting but the sort of brilliant characater actor who can make the part come alive. (In many ways what Ecclestone has to do is recreate the part – just as the other three “good” actors who took part did: Troughton after the first regeneration, Davsison after seven years of Tom Baker and McGann in the TVM. )

(The constant stream of comedians and light entertainment presenters that the tabloids had put forward as potential doctors was something that drove me mad. Comic actors have been cast in the past – Hartnell and Pertwee – but they played it straight. What comedy existed in Doctor Who was part of the character’s reaction to the situations he found himself in, not the essence of the character.)

Piper is fine. Nothing exceptional but nothing terrible about her performance (which is probably ideal – see above regarding Rose being a real person). Her Buffy moment at the climax is well handled as is her decision to run off with the Doctor at the end.

The new TARDIS interior is fantastic. Elements of the original, the Cushing film version and the McGann TVM version. I like it so far but I’m not totally sure it will work in the long term – it’s fine here where it’s used a getaway vehicle but presumably later on it will need to be used as a home base as well. Will we see any rooms other than the console room?


8/10 and bring on next week.

It’s likely that the new series of Doctor Who will start of Saturday 26th March. That gives you six weekends between now and then. Here’s a way to spend five of them. Watch one of the following stories (main picks are all available on DVD) each weekend to get yourself in the mood for the new series.

The Dalek Invasion of Earth

The second Dalek story and featuring one of the most iconic moments of all – the Dalek emerging from beneath the surface of the river Thames. London would see many alien invasions over the next two decades but this was the first and most striking – the Daleks had already conquered and subdued the earth before the story began. The brainwashed Robomen and scruffy resistance fighters made the parallel between the tin pot dicatators and the Nazis clearer than it would be in any story until “Genesis of the Daleks”.

Alternative William Hartnell pick – “An Uneathly Child”, forget the cavemen stuff in parts two to four, just watch the opening episode.

The Tomb of the Cybermen

This story gave Peter Davison nightmares as a kid and the scene of the Cybermen silently awakening and emerging from their ‘tombs’ is another prime iconic moment. By this time the “base under seige” format had been done to many times but the extra twists used her and sheer quality of the whole production raise it above all the others.

And ask yourself – how much does the Doctor know what’s happening in advance and consequently how much is he manipulating events? It’s a theory more often applied to the seventh Doctor rather than the second, but…

Alternative Patrick Troughton pick – “The Mind Robber”.

Alternative Jon Pertwee pick – “Spearhead from Space”.

The Ark in Space

Featuring one of the most embarrassing monsters in a long line of embarrassing monsters (it’s bubble wrap painted green!) this may seem like an odd choice. But it highlights all the nobility, compassion and courage in the human race – all the qualities that inspire the Doctor to love and protect Earth and its inhabitants so much.

Homo sapiens. What an inventive, invincible species. It’s only a few million years since they crawled up out of the mud and learned to walk. Puny, defenceless bipeds. They’ve survived flood, famine and plague. They’ve survived cosmic wars and holocausts. And now, here they are, out among the stars, waiting to begin a new life. Ready to outsit eternity. They’re indomitable.

Alternative Tom Baker pick – “City of Death”.

The Caves of Androzani

The fifth Doctor was the gentlest and most compassionate (and as one fan put it – the only one you’d feel safe taking round to your mum’s for tea) and here he gives his life to save the life of a single human – compare with the fourth Doctor who died to save the whole universe.

Alternative Peter Davison pick – “Kinda”.

Alternative Colin Baker pick – “Timelash”, the new series will always look good in comparison no matter what.

Remembrance of the Daleks

Encapsulating everything that was wrong with 1980s Doctor Who (more then anything an over-reliance on continuity) and everything that was starting to come right in the last two years (epic storytelling, a more alien Doctor) this tends to be either your favourite Dalek story or your least favourite.

Alternative Sylvester McCoy pick – “Damaged Goods”, a novel by new series supremo Russel T Davies that places SciFi horror side by side with the horror of life on a council estate in Thatcher’s Britain.

Alternative Paul McGann pick – “Alien Bodies”, I can’t say why it’s brilliant without spoiling a dozen things. This book kick-started the new mythology that has driven the novel line for the past few years, the series will almost certainly ignore that mythology but read it anyway ‘cos it’s great.

And what should you do with the remaining weekend? Watch some more of course!

I’m very pleased to see that The Discontinuity Guide has been republished by Monkey Brain Books. Along with the forthcoming updated edition of A History of the Universe from Mad Norwegian Press this is splendid news for Doctor Who fans.

Top five non-fiction Doctor Who books

  1. A History of the Universe by Lance Parkin
  2. The Discontinuity Guide by Paul Cornell, Martin Day, and Keith Topping
  3. I, Who by Lars Pearson (all volumes counted as one)
  4. License Denied by Paul Cornell
  5. The Television Companion by David J Howe & Stephen James Walker