I promised you some dinosaurs, so here we go. For quite a long time my Dinosaurs in Miniature page has contained the line Rules (coming soon)
so I figure why not do something about that? As this blogging every day thing is very taxing, I’m presenting a skeleton list here and asking you good people to help me flesh it out. What am I missing? What have I got wrong? I’m only after more or less professionally published rules here.
Wargames focussed mainly on prehistorics
- Saurian Safari – probably the best known dinosaur hunting wargame.
- Tooth & Claw1
- Try-to-survive-asaurus
- DinoMight
- Tusk
- Prehistoric Settlement
- Thrilling Expeditions: Valley of the Thunder Lizard
Wargames that feature prehistorics
- Mammalian Mayhem
- Voyages Extraordinaires
- G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T – maybe? I’ve heard of people using these rules for dino hunting games.
RPGs focussed mainly on prehistorics
- Og
- Tooth & Claw2
- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
- GURPS Dinosaurs
- GURPS Ice Age
- Broncosaurus Rex: Dinosaur Planet
- Rifts Dinosaur Swamp
RPGs that feature prehistorics
- Over the years various Monster Manuals for various games have included all sorts of dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts.
- Volume III of Marcus Rowland’s3 Forgotten Futures concentrates on Arthur Conan Doyle’s Professor Challenger novels including The Lost World.
- One of the best known scenarios of all time, The Isle of Dread for D&D featured prehistoric creatures heavily.
- Blackdirge Publishing produce a series of D20 system PDFs under the banner Animal Archives: Prehistoric Animals
- Phoenix Command – the favourite game of gun crazy maths nerds features stats for Dinosaurs in its Phoenix Command Expansion expansion.
- Dark Continent – a few cryptids like the Nandi Bear make an appearance and there may be something much bigger lurking as well…
[1][2][3] Tooth & Claw is a miniatures from Chris Peers, a prehistoric RPG from Memento Mori Theatricks and a dragon based RPG from Marcus Rowland.
And look what I picked up on eBay a little while ago. It was advertised as being from HLBS and by a process of elimination (i.e. what I don’t already own) must be their Utahraptor figure.

Hi all, One missed off the wargame list is Adventures in the Lost Lands by Two hour Wargames. This can be found in
the Wargames Vault or the Rebel Minis website.
I have only just bought it, so cannot do a review, but the other THW stuff I have is top notch and is usually compatible with solo play.
Ivor Cogdell