I promised you some dinosaurs, so here we go. For quite a long time my Dinosaurs in Miniature page has contained the line Rules (coming soon)
so I figure why not do something about that? As this blogging every day thing is very taxing, I’m presenting a skeleton list here and asking you good people to help me flesh it out. What am I missing? What have I got wrong? I’m only after more or less professionally published rules here.
Wargames focussed mainly on prehistorics
- Saurian Safari – probably the best known dinosaur hunting wargame.
- Tooth & Claw1
- Try-to-survive-asaurus
- DinoMight
- Tusk
- Prehistoric Settlement
- Thrilling Expeditions: Valley of the Thunder Lizard
Wargames that feature prehistorics
- Mammalian Mayhem
- Voyages Extraordinaires
- G.A.S.L.I.G.H.T – maybe? I’ve heard of people using these rules for dino hunting games.
RPGs focussed mainly on prehistorics
- Og
- Tooth & Claw2
- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs
- GURPS Dinosaurs
- GURPS Ice Age
- Broncosaurus Rex: Dinosaur Planet
- Rifts Dinosaur Swamp
RPGs that feature prehistorics
- Over the years various Monster Manuals for various games have included all sorts of dinosaurs and other prehistoric beasts.
- Volume III of Marcus Rowland’s3 Forgotten Futures concentrates on Arthur Conan Doyle’s Professor Challenger novels including The Lost World.
- One of the best known scenarios of all time, The Isle of Dread for D&D featured prehistoric creatures heavily.
- Blackdirge Publishing produce a series of D20 system PDFs under the banner Animal Archives: Prehistoric Animals
- Phoenix Command – the favourite game of gun crazy maths nerds features stats for Dinosaurs in its Phoenix Command Expansion expansion.
- Dark Continent – a few cryptids like the Nandi Bear make an appearance and there may be something much bigger lurking as well…
[1][2][3] Tooth & Claw is a miniatures from Chris Peers, a prehistoric RPG from Memento Mori Theatricks and a dragon based RPG from Marcus Rowland.
And look what I picked up on eBay a little while ago. It was advertised as being from HLBS and by a process of elimination (i.e. what I don’t already own) must be their Utahraptor figure.