Sister ships to the Galaxy class the Nebulas are very nearly as large in terms of internal volume but based round a much more compact configuration. Pre-dating the Galaxies by a few years they were not designed to be do everything super ships, instead they make use of several mission-specific modules mounted at the upper rear. Also changes in the way these modules are mounted and the number of hull windows are clearly noticeable between ships of this class.
In service the Nebulas are used much like the Galaxies, although the mission-specific elements require dock time between missions of differing scope.
NCC-60205 | U.S.S. Honshu |
History: | Destroyed 2374. |
Notes: | DS9 "Waltz" app. Registry is not 100% confirmed. |
NCC-60597 | U.S.S. Farragut |
History: | Destroyed by Klingon forces in 2373. |
Notes: | "ST: Generations" app. DS9 "Nor the battle to the strong" app. |
NCC-61826 | U.S.S. Monitor |
History: | Still in service in 2366. |
Notes: | TNG "The Defector" ref. |
NCC-61827 | U.S.S. Merrimac |
History: | Still in service in 2369. |
Notes: | TNG "Sarek" ref. |
NCC-61832 | U.S.S. Lexington |
History: | In service by 2368. Still in service in 2373. |
Notes: | DS9 "Explorers" app. "ST: First Contact" ref/(app?) May be Excelsior class, see Problems and Oddities. |
NCC-61952 | U.S.S. Proxima |
History: | Lost in the Gamma Quadrant in or prior to 2373. |
Notes: | DS9 "In Purgatory's Shadow" ref/his. |
NCC-62006 | U.S.S. Hera |
History: | Lost in 2370. |
Notes: | TNG "Interface" ref. |
NCC-62043 | U.S.S. Melbourne |
History: | Destroyed by Borg at Wolf 359 in 2267. |
Notes: | TNG "The Best Of Both Worlds Part 2" ref/app?; DS9 "Emissary" ref. Encyclopedia (second edition) gives above registry and class as Excelsior, see Problems and Oddities. |
NCC-62048 | U.S.S. Bellerephon |
History: | Destoyed by Borg at Wolf 359 in 2367. |
Notes: | DS9 "Emissary" ref/(app?). Name is mis-spelt, it should be Bellerophon, the later Intrepid class vessel had it right. |
Probably named after H.M.S. Bellerophon, to which Napoleon surrendered in 1814. |
NCC-62049 | U.S.S. Discovery |
Notes: | Sample ship from the LUG ST:TNG RPG core rules. |
NCC-62100 | U.S.S. T'Kumbra |
History: | In service in 2375. |
Notes: | DS9 "Take me out of the Holosuite" app. Registry is given in the Decipher RPG supplement Starships. |
NCC-65420 | U.S.S. Phoenix |
History: | Commissioned in 2363 (stardate 40250.5) Still in service in 2367. |
Notes: | TNG "The Wounded" app. |
NCC-66808 | U.S.S. Ulysses |
History: | in service in 2371. |
Notes: | DS9 "The Adversary" ref. |
NCC-70352 | U.S.S. Leeds |
History: | in service in 2374. |
Notes: | DS9 "Sacrifice of Angels" app. Apparantly this is the Nebula docked to DS9 at the episode end. The model has been used as an exhibition piece. |
NCC-70915 | U.S.S. Bonchune |
History: | Destroyed in 2374 |
Notes: | VOY "Message in a Bottle" app. Registry revealed in magazine article, see The Model Citizen's site for a picture taken from the Magazine article. Name is not visible on screen and is an in-joke, being that of one of the CGI team. |
NCC-71201 | U.S.S. Prometheus |
History: | Still in service in 2370.
Destroyed before 2374. |
Notes: | DS9 "Second Sight" app. Destruction is presumed due to the presence of another ship of this name in "Message in a Bottle". |
NCC-71805 | U.S.S. Endeavour |
History: | Still in service in 2373. |
Notes: | TNG "Redemption, Part 2" ref/(app?). VOY "Unity" his. "ST: First Contact" ref/(app?) |
NCC-72015 | U.S.S. Sutherland |
History: | commissioned in 2367. Still in service in 2369. |
Notes: | TNG "Redemption, Part 2" app. |
"There will be an answer, let it be..." |
NCC-????? | U.S.S. Himori |
History: | Assigned to Romulan Neutral Zone patrol. |
Notes: | LUG TNG RPG A Fragile Peace campaign book. |
NCC-????? | U.S.S. Jah'Tor |
History: | In service in 2375. |
Notes: | LUG TNG RPG Players' Guide supplement. |
NCC-????? | U.S.S. Kerra'don |
History: | In service in 2375. |
Notes: | LUG TNG RPG Players' Guide supplement. Name is Centauran for 'tranquility'. |
The LUG RPG supplement The Dominion War Sourcebook: The Fires of Armageddon mentions the U.S.S. Shanghai NCC-55203, U.S.S. Osiris NCC-69903 and the U.S.S. Denali NCC-70258.
The Decipher RPG supplement Starships lists U.S.S. Nebula NX-60602, U.S.S. Bougainville NCC-61809, U.S.S. Chesapeake NCC-62010, U.S.S. Leopard NCC-62344 and the U.S.S. Temeraire NCC-65387.
How big is the Nebula? The pics in the Encyclopedia and any calculations based on the assumption that the bridge, saucer, nacelles, etc. are the same size as those of a Galaxy class give an answer in the 420 to 440m range. The LUG RPG states 350m. The DS9 Tech Manual states 442.23m which seems right (though the width given there seems wrong).
When did the Nebula enter service? The LUG RPG states 2357. However, an estimate based on the numbers around (unless we've see just about every Nebula it must be more than the "around twice as numerous than the Galaxy class" that the RPG states) and the registries would suggest that they entered service a bit earlier than this, before the Galaxies.
Last updated May 24th 2004. © Stephen Pugh <>
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