There are several different designs of small fighter-like craft in use by Starfleet and/or the Maquis. They are often hard to distinguish and none have been given class names on screen. This summary is in roughly chronological order.
The much mentioned (on the 'net) Peregrine class courier was only mentioned once on screen. In DS9's "Heart of Stone" and it was never shown! It is possible that one of these vessels shown below is a Peregrine, but it also possible that none of them are.
The pictures on this page have come from various sources. Particular mention is deserved by The Model Citizen's Trek Modeller's Reference Guide whose Maquis page was a great help when I put this page together.
"The First Duty" from TNG's fifth season festured some academy training craft. The image on the right is what the 2nd edition of the Encyclopedia claims they looked like. The image on the left is of a model that Greg Jein built for this episode. To add further confusion, the Encyclopedia entry on the Diamond Slot formation has an illustration with Defiant style shuttle-pods!
Both Rick Sternbach and screenshots confirm that the Greg Jein model was actually used in the episode.
By the way, this model photograph is from The IDIC page.
"The Maquis", a two parter during DS9's second season, introduced us to that lovable bunch of terrorists, ahem freedom fighters. In that episode and "Preemptive Strike" which followed soon afterwards on TNG a variety of small vessels were used. I've picked shots of studio models over screen shots so that you can see the detailing easier. Trust me that these vessels were used in these episodes.
This vessel bears a strong resemblence to the Encyclopedia depiction of the Academy Traning Craft.
This vessel is clearly of Bajoran origin and was first seen in Bajoran use at the start of DS9's second season.
This is the type of vessel used by Ro to steal the medical supplies from the Enterprise.
Voyager's pilot episode showed us a larger Maquis vessel (about 60 to 80 meters in length judging by shots of it and Voyager side by side) with a suitably larger crew (how many Maquis are there on Voyager? About 40 I believe).
This vessel is clearly a modification of the third one from the previous section: a different cockpit and more detailing gives the impression of greater size.
The remaining Maquis stories didn't add any new designs but the Dominion War arc from the start DS9's sixth season shows us fighters in use with Starfleet. I haven't got any very clear pictures of these, but this one should tell us all we need to know:
This appears to be very similar to the Encyclopedia illustration of the Academy Trainer and to the first Maquis vessel. They may be identical or there may be minor differences. It is also quite likely that this craft is a CGI creation rather than a physical model.
Rick Sternbach has confirmed that he believes that the term Peregrine includes these Starfleet fighters. Presumably the Peregrine is an adaptable design and the Maquis transformed some courier variants into pseudo-fighter variants.
Last updated June 21st 2004. © Stephen Pugh <>
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