Constitution class registries

This page is simply a comparative listing of the four different registry schemes of the Constitution class Heavy Cruisers. The only registries established during the original series were 1701 for the Enterprise, 1017 for the Constellation, 1371 for the Republic (and the Republic wasn't actually referred to as being a Constitution class, nor was the Farragut from 'Obsession'), and 1700 for the Constitution herself. Some registries have subsequently appeared on displays in 'Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country'.

The Greg Jein system was first proposed in an issue of the fanzine T-Negative in 1975. He worked his system out by taking the infamous wall chart of registries from 'Court Martial' and listing the known starship names in reverse alphabetical order pinned by the 1701 and 1700 numbers for the Enterprise and Constitution. Obviously some names had to be left out. These he reasoned were at that time either on stand down status or had been destroyed or had not yet been commissioned.

The Franz Joseph system was also published in 1975 in the classic Starfleet Technical Manual. He ignored the wallchart and assigned the registries upwards from 1700. In total 145 ships were listed, most named after stars.

FASA in 1985 published a list of 42 names and registries in their Federation Ship Recognition Manual. They clearly based their system on the Greg Jein one but added a lot of ships, made a few dumb errors (Republic as 1373!) and generally created a mess. More information on FASA's treatment of the class is available.

The 'official' books from Paramount list 14 ships, a further 3 can be inferred from displays in ST VI. They too follow the Greg Jein system but with a few inexplicable alterations.

In the table below a question mark indicates that the ship was mentioned in that listing but that I don't, at the time of writing, know what its registry was given as, or even if one was given. An X indicates that the ship is not mentioned in that listing.

A plain text version of this table is also available.

Name Greg Jein Franz Joseph FASA Paramount
U.S.S. Constellation 1017 1017 1017 1017
U.S.S. Constitition 1700 1700 1700 1700
U.S.S. Defiant ? 1717 1764 1764
U.S.S. Eagle 1685 1719 1738 956
U.S.S. Endeavour 1718 1716 1777 1895
U.S.S. Enterprise 1701 1701 1701 1701
U.S.S. Essex 1697 1727 1719 1697
U.S.S. Excalibur 1664 1705 1664 1664
U.S.S. Exeter 1672 1706 1672 1672
U.S.S. Farragut ? 1702 1647 1647
U.S.S. Hood 1703 1707 1703 1703
U.S.S. Intrepid 1631 1708 1631 1831
U.S.S. Kongo ? 1710 1710 1710
U.S.S. Lexington 1709 1703 1709 1709
U.S.S. Potemkin ? 1711 1702 1657
U.S.S. Republic 1371 1371 1373 1371
U.S.S. Valiant ? 1709 1718 X
U.S.S. Yorktown ? 1704 1717 1717

Last updated June 21st 2004. © Stephen Pugh <>
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